As a part of the work for the STOP Act Grant, BASE is committed to educating the community on LGBTQ+ topics. In addition to the Law Enforcement LGBTQ+ Workshop that BASE is supporting in the fall of 2020, BASE will also be providing informational trainings at monthly community Coalition Meetings.
BASE will be recording these trainings after receiving feedback from our Pride Action Team and board members, where they will be made available for our community on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube. Please see our videos below!
LGBTQ+ Terminology and the Genderbread Person
Safe and Brave Spaces
History and the Importance of Pride
YRBS Statistics & Why BASE Supports LGBTQ+ Youth
School Support of LGBTQ+
BASE is always looking for feedback on our Learning Series! If the videos are missing information, something was said incorrectly or you just want to say thank you and that you’ve used them to help inform yourself please Contact Us today!